Saturday 29 September 2018

The Artist's Way

Back in May, I started a journey called The Artist’s Way, following the path set out by the author, Julia Cameron.  I stumbled across a recommendation for this book and I am so glad that I heard about it, for it has been life-changing in ways that I couldn’t have imagined. 

I have never considered myself to be an artist, but this 12-week programme inspired me to clear my head, make time each week for artist’s dates and try things which I had never considered before.

One of these is watercolour painting.  I was useless at art when I was at school and thought that I would never be able to draw or paint anything.  I saw this beautiful set of watercolours and decided that I wanted to try painting, so I ordered them, along with some brushes.  I sat down with a blank sheet of paper and a rose which I had picked on a walk earlier that morning and I painted it.  Admittedly, the original was not the same colour (I didn’t have pink, so had to improvise), but the result was definitely a rose.  I was astonished - Mr Candytuft thought that it was a photocopy and couldn’t believe that I had painted it.

Since then, I received a gift of a huge pad of beautiful watercolour paper and I bought a set of watercolour paints and started my own colour chart.  I haven’t had time to finish it, but it is a work in progress.

Other exciting projects are progressing, including one which I hope to share with you soon.  If you want to fire your imagination, I would recommmend following The Artist’s Way.  You never know where it may lead you.  


  1. How lovely, your rose is wonderful and so delicate. I hope you enjoy working with your new paints:)

    1. Thank you, Rosie. I wish that I had more time to paint, but hope to work on a few more projects soon. Marie x

  2. VERY, very exciting times for you creatively, Marie! What fun to see and hear about your progress! Your watercolor rose is lovely... and that watercolor set looks very nice! I hope you'll keep going with the painting! I've done The's Artist's Way twice, and the first time really did help me to learn how to set aside time to cultivate the creative stirring I had happening in my heart. It is a great tool, and it's good to revisit sometimes to get back on track. I believe we all possess creative gifts--it's just a matter of tuning into them, finding the means of expression, and the courage to bring them out of the heart! :) ((HUGS))

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Tracy. I’m trying to keep going with The Artist’s Way - it is challenging at times, but I’m doing my best. Marie x
