Tuesday, 28 February 2017

How Do You Like Yours?

As today is Shrove Tuesday, I thought that we would have some pancakes.  Although I enjoy them, they are something that I only make once a year.

After preparing the batter in advance and allowing it time to rest, I set to work.
At one time, my mum used to serve us pancakes with Llye's Golden Syrup.  I suppose in some ways, my tastes haven't matured all that much, as I now enjoy mine with Nutella.

 They were very good and a real treat!  Did you have pancakes today?  How do you like yours?


  1. YUMMY pancakes, Marie! Where I come from it's tradition to eat doughnut/donuts on Shrove Tuesday. It's not easy to get good doughnuts where I am living now though, so I swap out the traditional treat with a sweet of some kind. Any good excuse sof a treat, right?! ;) Happy Days ((HUGS))

  2. We had pancakes. Like you we only make them once a year and also like you we leave the batter to rest before starting the pancakes. We have ours with orange juice squeezed from fresh oranges:)
