Sunday, 11 November 2018

Armistice Centenary: 1918-2018

Today marks the centenary of Armistice Day, when the guns finally fell silent on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.  I look at images of the First World War today and can barely imagine the horrors of this war which was supposed to end all wars.

Millions died so that we could live in freedom and peace.  The Commonwealth War Graves’ Commission maintains military cemeteries throughout the world, like this one in Ypres, Belgium.

As I reflect on the sacrifice made by millions of men and women, many of whom were barely of age to go to war, I have shared in some of their stories through the BBC Radio broadcasts of Home Front.  I have spent the past four years listening to every episode and it has given me an insight into the daily lives of those who lived through this period of history.

I have always felt that it is important to mark Remembrance Day.  In this centenary year, the survivors of the First World War are no longer with us, but we can carry their torch and ensure that future generations know their story.


Since drafting this post, I have learned of a personal connection to the First World War.  My great-uncle, Thomas Duffin died on 29th November 1915.  He had contracted dysentery while serving at Gallipoli.  He was 18 years of age.

We will remember them.

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