Tuesday, 25 November 2014


Although I have knitted for years, I've never had much success in the past with 'knitting in the round' and steeks are completely new to me.  The basic idea is that they reinforce the knitting and allow an opening to be formed into which I will then knit a sleeve.  The scary part of it is that at some stage, I actually have to take my courage in both hands and cut them!

Anyway, as you can see, I have made progress with Snowstar and I'm now at the neck shaping.  Not without incident, I might add, as I've had to do a fair bit of unpicking to correct mistakes along the way.  


  1. You're so brave! I don't think I could contemplate cutting my knitting!

    Tasha T in Warwickshire

  2. This is coming along in leaps and bounds, particularly for such a complex pattern. It is absolutely beautiful. Do send photos when you're wearing it!

    Tash xx
