Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Oh Christmas Tree

Our Christmas tree arrived on Saturday and we brought it indoors on Sunday afternoon.  It sat rather forlornly for a couple of days until I strung a few lights on it yesterday.  I don't seem to be in the Christmas spirit this year, as there is a lot of stress at work.  Anyway, I thought that it was time to decorate it, so I spent this morning doing so.  I must say that I am pleased with the results.

My absence from the blogging world is due to the aforementioned stress.  I can't go into details, but it has been one of the most stressful periods of my life.  All that I can say is that I miss visiting everyone and hope that you understand when my visits are so infrequent.  I also hope that your Christmas preparations are coming along faster than mine!  Ready or not, Christmas will be here in less than two weeks....


  1. Hi Marie,

    I'm so sorry that you're having a stressful time. If you need anyone to vent to, you've got a shoulder at this side of the virtual pond. Fingers crossed it will end soon for you.

    Though my stresses aren't as many, I can sympathise with not feeling at all Christmassy - I am usually so happy during this season, but for some reason, this year I can't get into it at all. Hopefully this will change (we're going for a weekend to York in a couple of days, to do a bit of last-minute Christmas shopping).

    Anyway, lovely tree, and take solace in the fact that it will soon be Christmas and things will seem Merrier and Brighter!

    Tash xx

  2. Your tree is so pretty, Marie! I love all the red, white and gold! Glad you have some festive moments in the midst of this difficult time. I hope so much that 2013 will bring happier days your way! I've been having a hard time getting in the holiday mood too. I'm not a Christmasy person... so the stress and expectation of this time seem to reduce my physical and mental energy! Two weeks... is that all that's left??!! LOL... ;o) Be taking good care ((LOVE & HUGS))

  3. Oh, dear so sorry you are having such a stressful time at work, I do hope whatever the reasons are can be resolved soon. Your trees looks wonderful:)
