Thursday 23 November 2017

Red and White

I have a number of knitting projects in progress at present.  I've been trying to finish four Christmas gifts, each in a different stage of completion, which are held up for various reasons ~ mainly awaiting supplies (buttons etc).

The sheep scarf is testing my patience to the limits, so I took my needles and yarn to my weekly knitting group and started something simple.  This pretty seasonal colourway is going to turn into a decoration for Christmas, but I think that I will maintain the suspense until it is completed.  Now, I must get back to counting sheep...


  1. This looks like a project one can keep one's sanity with! ;) And very pretty too--love the red & white! Good luck with getting your projects done in time. ((HUGS))

  2. It is fun to knit and quite straightforward, in comparison to the sheep scarf. Marie x

  3. Looks lovely, Marie. Very festive. A year or two ago I used a very similar colour scheme to knit Christmas tree balls. Can't wait to see the finished project. B xox

    1. Oh, I’ve been wanting to knit Christmas tree balls for a while, but I think that I may have to save this project for next year. Marie x

  4. This is so clever! It doesn't look at all "straightforward" to me, but it does look beautiful. x

    1. In comparison with the sheep pattern, it is a walk in the park! Marie x
