Thursday, 5 November 2015

Guy Fawkes' Night

The annual celebration of Guy Fawkes' Night is one festival that I miss.  There is something magical about going out on a cold, dark evening to watch the ritual lighting of the bonfire complete with the effigy of Guy Fawkes after the dazzling firework display.

In my memory, I see the excited faces of the crowd, especially the children and remember crunching through the leaves walking to our local display.  Afterwards, we would return to the warmth and comfort of home, happy in having shared in the spectacle for another year.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely memories, I remember when bonfire night was on 5th November only but now we get fireworks every night for two or three weeks, but then it is like Christmas appearing in the shops in September, way to soon - it takes away the magic of these special days:)
