Thursday, 15 February 2018

Decluttering Challenge

Once again, I've decided to take the decluttering challenge and rid our home of 40 bags in 40 days.  I've done this a couple of times before and it is surprising just how much clutter accumulates over time.

I had intended to start yesterday, but it was actually this morning when I thought about doing so.  There was a house fire in our neighbourhood yesterday - thankfully, the family of seven are all fine - the home was badly damaged and the family have been moved to temporary accommodation.  An appeal went out for clothing, toys etcetera.  This gave me added incentive to put together a few items of clothing, plus some personal care items.  

When I mentioned it to Mr Candytuft, he was motivated to put together a pile of men's clothing too.  We dropped these off at the collection point.  Any items which are collected and are not required will be donated to charity. 


  1. A good cause is often a great nudge to get is going! ;) Wonderful that between the two of you, you were able to help. Purging on the 40 Bag "diet" is big, and it takes time. It really is amazing how much we hang on to or hoard! Good luck with project! And VERY glad no one was hurt in the fire... so sad they've lost much, and hope all will be fore then again in time. ((HUGS))

    1. It seems that stuff just piles up, doesn’t it? At the end of the day, it is all just stuff, most of which we can live without. Marie x

  2. Great idea! I could really do with some de-cluttering here. Glad to hear that your neighbours made it out of the house-fire safely.

    1. It never ceases to amaze me how much clutter accumulates, even when I decide to have an annual clear-out.

  3. Such good ideas, both to give items to the family who have lost all in the fire and also for the 40 days of bags. I'm quite pleased that we have taken a couple of bags and box of things to local chairy shops recently. I do need to get rid of a lot more clutter:)

    1. I plan to get rid of a lot of clutter this time. There is only so much stuff that you can live with... Marie x

  4. What a lovely thought. My policy for decluttering is 1)try to sell first 2)donate to a charity 3) dump. I do need to go through our wardrobes though.

    1. I like your system - I’ve tried selling, but it seems that people aren’t that willing to part with their money, so most of it goes to charity or the bin. Marie x
