Monday 8 September 2014

Fresh From The Garden

With so much going on in daily life, our vegetable garden has been severely neglected this year.   Considering how little time we have spent working in it, I am surprised that anything is thriving.  The French Marigolds were grown from genuine seed (from France!) and I'm delighted with their prolific blooming.  Hopefully, they have deterred a few bugs!

We arrived home from a day in Halifax on Saturday to discover that the French beans had toppled over, but we salvaged a good crop from the plants when we untangled the mess on Sunday.

The carrots are Parisian Market (do you detect a French theme here?)  There were only two, so I'm not sure what happened to the rest of the row.

Spring Onions - my first attempt from seed and swede, which looked much better on the outside, as they were bad inside.  I think this is due to the fact that the ground was so very hard, they were growing upwards, rather than down.


  1. Well, that is a mighty fine harvest in spite of neglect, Marie! I love those small variety of carrots! While I've not missed having the big veggie match, I have missed growing something, so hoping next spring to create a container garden system on our terrace and at least grow some herbs, but maybe small veggies too--like radishes, etc.--just for extra fun. So great too see what's growing there! Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

  2. The french marigolds are so cheerful and all your vegetables look good in your photos especially the french beans:)
