It is said that life is full of surprises and I certainly had one sprung on me recently. I went to see a specialist for a minor concern and discovered that I needed to have major surgery.
I signed a consent on 5th April and got a call four days later to tell me that I was on the list for 26th April. Yes, I am having surgery tomorrow.
I’ve just returned from town, where I stocked up on a few last-minute essentials - including a lidded cup with a straw, so that I can drink lying down (if I don’t feel up to moving). I called the hospital this afternoon to confirm my bed and I’m first on the list tomorrow morning, which I’m relieved about, as it gives me less time to get anxious waiting.
I’m not sure how I’ll be feeling after surgery, but will likely be off for a few weeks. Wishing you all a happy spring and I hope that the sun is shining in your part of the world.